About Us

Mission and Vision

At SightSavers Guild, we are committed to improving the lives of individuals with visual impairments through knowledge sharing and community support. Our vision is a world where sight loss doesn't limit personal potential, and everyone has equal access to education, healthcare, and opportunities.

History of our Company

SightSavers Guild was established with the sole purpose of empowering blind and visually impaired individuals. Founded in 2005 by Blindscribe, a distinguished and visionary leader in the field of disability rights, our organization has been at the forefront of advocating for equal opportunities and creating positive change.

Founder - Blindscribe

Blindscribe is a seasoned advocate for the visually impaired, with a deep understanding of the challenges they face. Having experienced sight loss firsthand, Blindscribe dedicated their life to make the world a more inclusive place for visually impaired individuals. Inspired by their own journey, they pioneered numerous initiatives and campaigns that have had a lasting impact on society.

The Purpose of our Website

We created this website to consolidate our knowledge and provide a comprehensive platform where anyone seeking information and resources related to visual impairments can find reliable and up-to-date content. We understand the importance of education and awareness in creating a more inclusive society, and through this website, we aim to bridge the information gap and empower individuals to make informed decisions.

Objective of Our Website

The objective of our website is two-fold: to support individuals with visual impairments to navigate the challenges they face and to promote empathy and understanding among the wider community. By offering resources, articles, and advice, we strive to equip our readers with the necessary tools to embrace their abilities and overcome barriers.

Target Audience

Our website is designed to cater to a diverse audience, including individuals with visual impairments, their family members, educators, healthcare professionals, and anyone seeking to understand visual impairments better. We believe that collaboration and sharing knowledge play a vital role in effecting change, which is why our platform is open to all who wish to learn and contribute to improving the lives of those with visual disabilities.

Unique Value

What sets us apart is our team of experienced and highly skilled editors and dedicated team members, who work tirelessly to curate and create high-quality content. Their expertise, combined with our strong network with industry experts and organizations, allows us to provide accurate and valuable information. With an evidence-based approach and a commitment to staying on top of emerging research, we ensure that our readers receive the most current and reliable information available.

Through our website, we strive to shine a light on the countless stories of courage, resilience, and triumph exhibited by visually impaired individuals. Our readers will find a wealth of inspiring articles, personal accounts, and practical resources that promote independence, well-being, and success.

Join us on this mission, where together we can change perceptions and empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives irrespective of visual impairments.

Together, we can make a difference!

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We want to ease your burden. Contact Us for any queries.